There Are No Thought Police

There are no thought police, not for us - the faceless masses. Surprisingly, the screens presently illuminating our pasty faces are not a two-way mirrors. They do not monitor our activities, nor do they keep their ever-watchful single eye trained on our minds. Contrary to popular paranoid belief, they do not care about, nor feel threatened by the meager sparks of energy flowing through our craniums – clumsily merging ideas of concepts together attempting to construct a façade of a larger whole. As if anything we think might constitute ‘original thought’ could actually threaten them – that’s very funny actually. I’d laugh at these delusions if I could. I can’t though, because they don’t try to control our minds, only numb them.

Entropy is their strongest weapon, working hand and hand with our largest contribution to their cause – apathy. I would have told you about this years ago, but I didn’t see the point in bothering. A shot of bright and colorful, candy coated morphine into our grey matter renders us helpless, and destroys any threat we might have almost resembled. “Good boy, have another game cartridge.”

Every man, woman, and child is now indeed an island. Where we were all terrified infants clustered together in the dark, clinging tightly to one another for shelter against the great unknown – which knocked so softly at our thresholds – the nucleus has since been destroyed, leaving scattered survivors alone, mesmerized by the presence’s of what once frightened us, but now holds us prisoner with in walls of our own construction. We set no longer in the dark, but rather in the dim, a desensitized mind unaware that there ever was anything as trite as fear, with our withered humanity in one hand, and our other hand copulating with the controller of our destiny. If you provide it with the excess, and gold fish will eat it’s self to its very death, too stupid and greedy to know when to stop.

Confucius once said “too much is as bad as too little.” Oh, sorry, Confucius is some dead guy who once lived in Asia. He had thoughts. Those thoughts were archived in these rectangular flat things made out of paper called books. While you might not have ever read any of his books, I think there’s a kids cartoon you might recognize him from, where he roams around the country and has all types of ‘zanny’ adventures, and I believe solves crimes with a wombat side kick who talks like Jimmy Stewart.

By now you’re most likely concerned that this rant is an attempt to shock you into enlightenment and enlist you in a crusade. A crusade? Against what? Ourselves? Please believe me when I assure you I would never try to shock you. Time is our most valuable commodity (time, that’s what you kill all day wishing it was tomorrow, repeat ad nausea), and I would never squander it so wastefully by attempting to resurrect an emotion from a void. Be honest, can you recall the last time you forced back the waves of numbness and actually felt a sensation that might actually warrant the definition of emotion? Neither highs, nor lows, just a constant flat line of normality. Neither extreme joy, nor plummeting despair. One emotion under the burning eye of the pyramid, in slack we trust, forever and ever…how does the rest go? No matter. You don’t feel, not only because they don’t want you to, but because you don’t want to. Can you remember the last time you felt passion for something other than that which was influenced by that flaccid lump of useless flesh lost somewhere in your over sized pants? Has anything truly ever moved you? No. There is only one emotion in our existence: comfort. And only one motivating factors, how to gain the next precious hit of comfort. Just the same, there is only one way we feel true outrage or anger: the lack of comfort. Consider this, which would upset you the most and possibly move you to action (remember the basic law of inertia, bodies at rest tend to stay at rest. Another dead guy, had an apple hit his head, nothing you’d care about); reading (an arcane art of meaningless symbols used to convey meaningless ideas. See: Book) about a plane crash that killed hundreds, or your air conditioning ceasing to perform its appointed duty on a hot day? No wants, no desires, no lusts or needs for anything except for the more which stimulates less. And no hate, no anger, no fear, or loathing for anything except that which takes less away.

I know that you were frightened that when the clock rolled over to the triple ‘o’s’ that the power might go out and anarchy would reign. There was never anything to fear. The power is never going to go out, the morphine drip is never ending. With out power, there would be no glow. And if the glow were to go away, we might wander away from the illumination out into the dark and discover the truth. That will not be allowed to happen.