Projecting - Judging another as being as screwed up and in the same exact ways that you are.
Transference - Punishing someone else since you can't get back at the jerks who actually screwed you up.
Passive Aggressive - A sneaky way of saying what you don't have the balls to come out and say.
Avoidance - Oh! Look at the cute puppy!
Repression - The negative emotions you push down and save up to let loose on random, innocent strangers and friends.
Obsessive Compulsive - You have to read this twice or something bad will happen. You have to read this twice or something bad will happen.
Obsession - Flogging the stain in the drive way where once lay a dead horse.
Paranoia - Seriously, do you think that you're important enough that they're out to get you? (I had to say that. They're ALWAYS listening).
Self Esteem - Lack there of can be compensated for by constant attention from others. I suggest a loud stereo system in your vehicle. Obviously the more attention you get, the more important of a person you are. Failing that, you can always post half naked pictures on Facebook.
Blame Shifting - Life is easier to deal with when you don't have to take responsibility for your own actions. Besides, everyone loves a victim.
Indecision - If you avoid making a choice, surely it will all work itself out for the best - one way or another.
Co-Dependent - I hate you! Please don't leave me...
Narcissism - Thinking this was written about you.